刚刚在 emacs 上使用 newsticker 来订阅 RSS, 折腾完毕,刷新一下,就发现一篇新文章在总结 2021 年。今天竟然就是 2021 年的最后一天了。这两天关注的一些博客、一些社交平台也陆…
One Small Tip for Goldendict
In Goldendict, hotkey Alt-s is useful to pronounce current word. And I set mpv as the external program. But after I configure mpv with much custom tweak and plugins, this keybinding no longer work. Maybe some configurations make Goldendict can not invoke mpv to play audio. Finally, I find a simple way to fix it. There is no need to set up mpv to compatible with Goldendict. Using mpv --no-config as the external program will use a pure mpv without any custom configuration.…
Connect iOS devices to Linux using Screen Mirroring
Using AirPlay, you can easily connect almost all your Apple devices and some third-party AirPlay-compatible smart TVs. But how to use AirPlay to mirror the screen of iPhone or iPad on Linux? 1. Install required packages UxPlay is an open source program that can make your Linux device as an AirPlay mirroring server. There is an aur package if you are using Arch Linux. As for other distros, there are…
Arch Linux 安装 NVIDIA 专有驱动
之前安装 Arch Linux 的时候,我并没有安装 NVIDIA 独显驱动,因为一提到 Linux 下的 NVIDIA 驱动,脑海中最先浮现的便是 Linus 竖中指的画面。况且笔记本上还有 Intel 的集成显卡,在 Linux 下…
今天在 Mike Crittenden 的博客看到一篇文章,同时关联了他以前的一篇文章,都是在讲同样的一个原则 “more-often-but-smaller”,如果用中文…
这两天又读了一遍《三国演义》,发现了一个以前没有关注到的点,可以解释为什么人们要选择保一个主公,“择木而栖”。 在刘备入主西川后,诸臣劝刘备称…
How to auto lock screen in i3wm
Desktop environments (Gnome, KDE, …) have an elaborate set of utilities covering almost every aspect of usages. When I started using i3wm, I missed the convenience of power-manager, locking screen, etc. But it is possible to implement them manually. This article is written about how auto lock-screen working in i3wm. Desktop environments like Gnome and KDE come with a plethora of utilities that cater to almost every conceivable usage scenario. However, when I switched to i3wm, I found myself missing the convenience of certain features such as power management and screen locking. But fear not, for it is possible to manually implement these features in i3wm. In this article, I will be sharing my insights on how to set up an automatic lock-screen in i3wm, so you can enjoy the best of both worlds - the minimalism and efficiency of i3wm coupled with the convenience of a fully functional desktop environment. …