使用反向代理加速 Ubuntu PPA
Ubuntu 的 PPA(Personal Package Archives)可以下载其他用户上传的编译好的软件,很便捷地解决一些软件版本落后、自己不想编译等等的问题(这…
[Vim Tips]Jump to link in Vim's help
When I use Vim’s help, I usually forget how to jump to the links. So I write the tips down to keep mind in them. The links in Vim' help is not really links, they are tags. Following shortcut will simplely jump into tags and jump back. Follow the link(jump to the link) Ctrl-] Jump back previous location Ctrl-t or Ctrl-o Also you can jump to a specific subjects(tags) by using :ta {subjects}" instead of Ctrl-].…
2020 给我们留下了不平凡的记忆。不平凡在何处?很多人都能给出自己的答案。大到新冠肺炎疫情,小到生活中随之而来的方方面面的变化,工作、感情乃至健康…
Update WSL2 kernel to a newer version
Microsoft maintains a custom linux kernel for WSL2. Keeping with the offical version has many benefits. For instance, the linux kernel in WSL2 can be updated when the Windows itself updates since Windows 10 version 20041. And also the automatic updates will service capabilities. But the WSL2 kernel drops behind the mainline kernel version unless you are in Windows Insiders. You may want to follow the mainline kernel version or a newer version at least.…
Use zsh as default login shell
Zsh is a shell with rich features. Comparing with bash, zsh is more suitable for interactive use. But most linux distributions use bash as the default login shell. If you don’t want to type zsh every time in bash prompt, it’s time to change the default shell to zsh. We can simplely use command chsh (means ‘change shell’) to achieve the goal. Use the following command to detect where zsh located in and change default shell one-step.…
[Vim Tips]设置Windows Terminal内vim的光标
本文主要解决 vim 和 Windows Terminal 在光标上的一些兼容性问题。 设置光标的形状 在 Windows Terminal 里使用 wsl2 下的 vim,光标不能根据模式的变化而变化,比如 normal 模式下是方块(So…
[Vim Tips]在vim和tmux中开启真彩色
在 vim 和 tmux 中开启真彩色,可以获得更好的视觉体验。 在 vimrc 中加入下面的设置: if exists('+termguicolors') let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum" let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum" set termguicolors endif Tmux 需要在 .tmux.conf 配置文件里添加下面的内容: set -g default-terminal tmux-256color #…